Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, more commonly known as the IPL photofacial, improves the look and feel of your skin by using targeted light energy. Our photofacial treatment can be used effectively to fade dark spots and reduce many common signs of sun damage. And the IPL skin treatment isn’t just for your face. Completely non-invasive, this treatment can be used on the backs of the hands and décolleté as well as the face.
How IPL Treatment Works
The handheld device uses a laser light to treat your skin. You will wear a protective eye mask because the device flashes as it sends pulses of light into your skin. Your trained aesthetician will move the device over the area to be treated. An average session will take 20-30 minutes. Treatment of a larger area would take longer.
IPL/Photofacial treatment feels different to everyone. Some people describe it as a snapping rubber band, however, with the added comfort of our cold air blast most say it is very tolerable. You may have reddened skin for a few hours after your session, but that will fade. Your aesthetician will discuss appropriate aftercare with you. Most people need multiple sessions (3-7) to achieve optimal results. Appointments can be spaced about 4 weeks apart.

IPL Photofacial Benefits
Benefits of a photofacials occur gradually over the weeks following treatment. They can include:
- Reduce age lines
- Minimize redness from rosacea and sun damage
- Minimize brown spots from sun damage
- Reduce dark spots from hormonal changes
- Reduce the appearance of age spots (liver spots)
- Minimize large pores
- Leave your skin feeling smooth and soft
- Reduce acne and acne scarring
While IPL therapy can minimize sun damage and some signs of aging, it won’t prevent new sun damage or signs of aging. Your aesthetician will recommend a skincare regimen including sunscreen that will help you keep your skin looking its best.
IPL Photofacial FAQs
These are the most frequently asked questions we get about IPL Photofacial. If you have other questions, you can call us or ask us at your skin consultation.
Is the treatment safe?
When performed by a trained aesthetician on an appropriate client, yes.
Who shouldn’t get IPL treatment?
IPL treatment works best on pale or light brown skin. The device targets the darker pigmentation, so it is not appropriate for very dark-skinned people. In addition, it may not be appropriate if:
- You’re pregnant
- You’re sensitive to light
- You have a skin condition
- Might have skin cancer
- Recent use of antibiotic or photosensitive medication
Before recommending or performing any facial treatment or skin treatment, our aestheticians offer a thorough skincare consultation, where we ask you all the important questions that might counter indicate a treatment. So be sure to answer our questions thoroughly. If one treatment isn’t appropriate for you, chances are good another treatment can achieve similar results.
How do I prepare for an IPL Photofacial?
For optimal results:
- Don’t tan in the sun or a tanning bed for 4 weeks before treatment.
- Don’t wax or get a chemical peel for 2 weeks before IPL.
- Don’t wear perfume, makeup, or skin irritants.
- Don’t take a medication that makes you sun-sensitive.
When you book your appointment, you’ll receive all of the information you need to prepare for your IPL treatment.
Is there down time with a photofacial?
After your photofacial, your face may be slightly red with possible swelling. This should dissipate within a few days. You may also notice slight bruising. After Photofacial treatment, you may also notice that age spots and sun spots actually appear darker and slightly more noticeable. Don’t panic. This is normal and is a sign that the treatment is working.
Over the next few days, brown spots and other blemishes will begin to surface on the skin. These spots will naturally flake off over the following days. The full healing process may take up to 10 days. Your aesthetician will go over in detail what to expect after treatment, and how to take care of your skin for the best results.
How soon will I see results?
Some people may see results after the first session. For others, it may take several weeks to notice changes in your skin. It all depends on what we’re treating and the condition of your skin when we start treatment.

Combine this treatment with:
Want to find out more?
Learn more about our services at the links below or call us directly to talk to one of our experienced aestheticians at (561) 775-9111.