Callused Feet
Do you have thick, dry skin on the bottom of your feet or the side of your big toe(s)? Do you have dry, cracked heels? If you answered yes, you have callused feet. Calluses on your feet can be embarrassing – especially if you want to wear flip flops, backless shoes, or open-toed sandals.
What Causes Calluses on Feet?
The causes behind foot calluses are no mystery. They include:
- Walking barefoot
- Wearing tight shoes or high heels
- Wearing lose-fitting shoes where your foot slides around
- Wearing socks that don’t fit
- Wearing shoes and sandals without socks
It’s pretty hard to live in Florida and avoid wearing shoes, sandals, and flip-flops without socks! Not to mention walking barefoot on the beach. So, chances are good that you will develop calluses on your feet at some point. You may be predisposed to foot problems because of genetics or diabetes. So, it’s important to take care of your feet safely. Don’t try scraping with a metal grater or cutting calluses off.
Treatment for Calluses on Feet with Aesthetics at Cima Health
If you have calluses on your feet that just won’t go away, we can help. Our main standard of care for foot callus treatment is the DMK MEDI-PEDI™. It’s a medical pedicure that can treat a variety of skin problems on your feet, but can also be a way to pamper yourself.
This callus treatment involves cleaning your feet with a medicinal solution and exfoliating the dead skin cells away, to improve the appearance of your feet as well as leaving them feeling softer and smoother. We don’t use scalpels or sharps during the treatment, and you may get a little massage to help increase blood circulation and reduce stress.
This medical pedicure is safe for diabetics, pregnant women, and anyone who has callused feet and wants to rejuvenate their feet. Both women and men can benefit.
Benefits of DMK’s Foot Callus Treatment
DMK’s MEDIPEDI™ has a lot of benefits that go beyond foot calluses, including:
- Safe callus removal
- Removes hardened, yellowed skin
- Removes painful corns
- Revises cracked heels leaving your skin soft and smooth
- Removes rough, dry skin build-up
- Revises dark, pigmented areas
- Assists in removing any fungal or bacterial infections
- Botanical-based, pharmaceutical-grade products
Many people need only one treatment to see results, but more severe calluses may require additional treatment. In addition, after this treatment, your aesthetician will recommend some DMK skincare products to help you keep your feet looking their best.